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dc.contributor.advisorOlano Arevalo, Roydichan
dc.contributor.authorAlcalde Collantes, Osben
dc.contributor.authorRodas Curinambe, Ronald
dc.identifier.citationAlcalde-Collantes, O. & Rodas-Curinambe, R. (2010). Estrategia didáctica Inrac para mejorar las actitudes de conservación medio ambientales en los alumnos del 6to grado de primaria de la I.E N°00925 Santa Isabel – Nueva Cajamarca. Tesis para optar el grado de Licenciado en Educación Primaria. Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Tarapoto, Perú.es_PE
dc.description.abstractToday in day the concem for the environment is enormous; well, the governments of the Ameriuan countlies and from al! over the world they are propitiating studies for their conservation looking for mainly the change of the population's attitudes that that apparently should leave mainly for the childhood. For this reason, the present investigation denominated didactic Strategy INRAC lnvestigates he/she Reasons and it Acts to improve the half environmental conservation attitudes in the students of the Sixth Degree of the Primary Leve! ofthe I.E.N° 00925 Santa Isabel, New Cajamarca; it has traced their objectives guided to strengthen tl1e attitudes related with the world interest for the conservation of the atmosphere. This study you car justifies exactly for the relevancy of its realization in a time of climatic changes w11en it is necessary to promete the change of attitudes in the populations to bet for a rational use of the natura! means based in political of conserv.ation. Also for their practica! utility, slnce he/she intends to pro mote the environmental conservation by means of the development of learning activities that you/they involve the childhood like fundamental agent of change for the future generations. All tt:lis looking for to optimize the attitudes toward the conservation and protection of the environment and in that way to elevate the quality of lite and propiti,ating a better environmenta! future. The didactic strateg.y INRAC lnvestigates he/she Reasons and it Acts it was systematized keeping in m:ind the theory of the action reasoned according to FISHBEIN and AJZEN (1975) and the principies of the environmental education according to APCN (1996), besides other theoretical contributions that were good us as antecedents for the investigation. Based on the mentioned theories, he/she thought about the alternativa hypothesis in the following terms: lf the didactic strategy "INRAC" is applied, then they will improve the half environmental conservation attitudes significantly in the students of the Sixth Degree of the Primary Level of the I.E N° 00925 Santa Isabel - New Cajamarca. The population considerad for the study was conformad by the sections TO and B of the Sixth Degree of the I.E.N° 00925 Santa Isabel, New Cajamarca, of which the sample was e~tracted by means of the simple aleatory sampling as experime.ntal :grGQp tlle section To with 25 students between women and males. Also, the used investigation design was the design experimental pre with a single group. To the elected sample, he/she was administered a pre test to evaiuate the level of attitudes of half environmental conservation that the students possessed befare the application of the s.trategy; subsequently the sessions were developed proposed by the didactic strategy lf\JRAC he/she lnvestigates, he/she Reasoris and it Acts for the period of one month. After having culminated this period, the search test was administered that anowed to determine the effects taken place by the didactic strategy. With the obtained data, you proceeded to the analysis and respective interpretation of the same ones, demonstrated that the application of the didactic strategy INRAC lnvestigates, he/she Reasons and it Acts it improved the half environmental conservation attitudes significantly in tlle three components: cognitivo, emotional and conductual, promoting them from unfavorable attitudes to highly favorable attitudes in the students of Sixth Degree Leve! Primary of the Educational lnstítution N° 00925 Santa Isabel, New Caja marca.en_US
dc.description.abstractHoy en día la preocupación por el medio ambiente es enorrne; pues, los gobiernos de los países americanos y de todo el mundo están propiciando estudios para su conservación buscando principalmente el cambio de las • actitudes de la población lo que al parecer debe partir principalmente por la niñez. Por esto, la presente investigación denominada "Estrategia didáctica JNRAC "Investiga Razona y Actúa" para mejorar las actitudes de conservación medio ambientales en /os alumnos del Sexto Grado del Nivel Primaria de la I.E.N° 00925 Santa Isabel, Nueva Cajamarca; ha trazado sus objetivos orientados a fortalecer tas actitudes relacionadas con el interés mundial por la conservación del amaiente. Dicho estudio se auto justifica por la pertinencia de su realización justo en una época de cambios climáticos cuando es necesario promover el cambio de actitudes ,en las poblaciones para apostar por un uso racional del medio natural basado en políticas de conservación. Asimismo por su utilidad práctica, por cuanto se propone promover la conservación ambiental mediante el desarrollo de actividades de aprendizaje que involucran a la niñez corno agente fundamental de cambio para las :generaciones futuras. Todo esto buscando optimizar las actitudes hacia la conservación y protección del entorno y de esa manera elevar la caHdad de vida y propiciando un mejor futuro ambiental. La Estrate.gia d1€fáctica INRAC "Investiga Razona y Actúa" se sistematizó teniendo en cuenta la "teoría de la acci~n razonada" según FISHBEIN y AJZEN (1975) y los principios de la educación ambiental según la APCN (1996), además· de otros aportes teóricos que nos sirvieron como antecedentes para la investigación. Basados en las mencionadas teorías, s·e planteó la h.ipótesis alternativa en los siguientes términos: Si se aplica la estrategia didáctica "INRAC", entonces se mejorarán significativamente las actitudes de conservación medioambientales en los alumnos del Sexto Grado del Nivel Primario de la I.E N° 00925 Santa Isabel- Nueva Cajamarca.es_PE
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editoriales_PE
dc.sourceRepositorio - UNSMes_PE
dc.titleEstrategia didáctica Inrac para mejorar las actitudes de conservación medio ambientales en los alumnos del 6to grado de primaria de la I.E N°00925 Santa Isabel – Nueva Cajamarcaes_PE
dc.typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesisen_USón Primariaes_PE Nacional de San Martín. Facultad de Educación y Humanidadeses_PE en Educación Primariaes_PE
renati.jurorRamirez Rojas, Janses_PE
renati.jurorZubiate Montalvan, Pedroes_PE
renati.jurorVera Azurin, Laura Epifaniaes_PE
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